Our little groundhogs have been lying low these last couple of weeks. However, today the temperature neared 60 degrees - warm, sunny and too nice to stay holed up! A couple of the babes ventured out to eat and my husband tiptoed outside to sneak a few photos. Well not so fast buster. They really don't know that they can trust us yet. They peered just above their burrow entrances trying to figure out what we're all about, as you can see from the few photos my hubby managed to get.
Hmmm... who are you?
Okay this is as far as I go.
Of course we had a bag of peanuts and carrots on hand, so we tossed some treats near the holes while chatting with them. They will eventually learn that our voices mean goodies on the way - and while they always remain cautious, they will become comfortable sitting nearby feasting as we watch in awe. But at this point we need to build that trust.
Ooooh yummy. Maybe you weirdos aren't so bad after all.
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