We have a new buddy this summer who love peanuts just as much - if not more - than the groundhogs. And this little guy is not shy at all. Meet Buddy:
This is our resident chipmunk who has taken a liking to the groundhogs' territory. He is adorable and amazing to watch, scurrying around stuffing peanuts in his cheeks. I never completely understood the term "chipmunk cheeks" until I saw it for myself. He can wad 4-5 peanuts in his cheeks. He hit pay dirt one day when my husband was outside picking blueberries, ready with a container full of peanuts should a groundhog appear. Well, the chipmunk found it... in fact, the above photo was taken as he eyed the container... and he had a plan for each and every nut.
One cheek full, one more to go.
Today my husband actually watched a neighborhood cat dash out of nowhere and scoop Buddy into his jaws and run off. We were sick about it. But you will never believe it: Buddy reappeared about an hour afterwards! I was never so happy to see this little guy as I was today. :) Now we know to be vigilant about keeping cats out of our yard.
Cats like birds too. Good thing they are no match for turkeys, because we have a bunch who parade around the neighborhood and make our front lawn a regular stop. Yes, they know they can count on getting bread from us. They are quite the crew, very protective of one another. I enjoy feeding them even though i suppose I shouldn't. But who could resist?
I am a real reader, not imaginery! My heart skipped a beat when I thought Buddy was a goner. Thank goodness he escaped that nasty cat. Oh, and how I wish that I had turkeys in my front yard. That is just awesome.